Writing Progress Report: September 2015

From time to time I hope to take a few moments here to post an update on the status of my writing. My current project — my debut project — is a science fiction trilogy. Here’s where everything stands right now:

  • Book 1 (release window: Spring 2016) is currently in the hands of the publisher. Over the next few months it will go under the editorial microscope, as well as get cover art and other core components. The book is on track to release in Spring 2016.
  • Book 2 (release window: Spring 2017) is currently out to beta readers, some of whom have already given me some terrific feedback. I’ve been letting the book go fallow in my own mind for a stretch this summer so that I can revisit the novel this fall and next spring with clearer eyes, especially in light of beta feedback. Book 2 is on track to go to the publisher next March.
  • Book 3 (release window: Spring 2018) is currently in first draft form. At this point the first draft is about 50% done. My current plan is to complete the first draft by the end of the year, with revisions and re-reads to follow until the summer of 2016, where it will go to beta readers. Book 3 is on track to go to the publisher in March of 2017.

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