On Hiatus … For Now

Over the last seven years, this website has served as a hub for my writing. It began as a landing page for my fiction, as I was then on the cusp of becoming a science fiction novelist. Early on, I used this blog component of the site to talk about my novels, promote my short stories, and otherwise discuss my fiction writing endeavors. I also mused about related spaces, including science fiction television and film, novels, and even the occasional video game review.

I’ve been a nonfiction writer since long before this site existed, but that part of my writing life has grown in recent years. Not long after my first novel released, my wife and I took the plunge on creating our first nonfiction blog. That site has proven very successful and we are in the process of cultivating more.

For those reasons, I’ve decided to shift my writing energies. What does that mean? In the short term, I won’t be writing in this blog space. Instead, I’ll be focusing on other places.

It also means I’ll be pausing my fiction work.

It doesn’t mean I’m done writing fiction. I still have more novels in the pipeline, including a number of revised drafts. But I want to sit on those novels while I work on some crucial aspects of my nonfiction writing world. When the time is right I expect those novels to see the light of day. For now, though, they’re on the backburner.

When I have more to share, I’ll share it here.



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